It’s Time to Start Thinking About Seasonal Adjustments and MS
The thought of summer approaching both worries and excites me. I’ve always preferred the changing of seasons and fair weather to the height of a season, even before my MS diagnosis. I prefer change and the idea of starting anew, as if it might be a remedy to the “hurricane” that MS has brought to my life.https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/news-posts/2022/05/23/time-start-thinking-seasonal-adjustments-ms/?utm_source=MS&utm_campaign=0334b3efec-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_US&utm_medium
It’s Time to Start Thinking About Seasonal Adjustments and MS
The thought of summer approaching both worries and excites me. I’ve always preferred the changing of seasons and fair weather to the height of a season, even before my MS diagnosis. I prefer change and the idea of starting anew, as if it might be a remedy to the “hurricane” that MS has brought to my life.https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/news-posts/2022/05/23/time-start-thinking-seasonal-adjustments-ms/?utm_source=MS&utm_campaign=0334b3efec-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_US&utm_medium
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